Left - we drive on the left side of the road (steering
wheels are also on the left). Pedestrians - before crossing
the street look to your right - that is where the traffic
is coming from |
Before you do business
of any kind ( ordering a burger, buying a hat, hailing a taxi
etc. ) say "Good Morning, Good Afternoon and
Good Evening (at the appropriate times of course)
and you will be amazed at the better service you will receive
in return. Also at night time "Good Night" is used
as a greeting! It is difficult to say "Good Night"
when you enter a room but you will give the impression that
you have been here awhile. |
When in town, government
buildings, and restaurants don't go shirtless or in
your bathing suits. Not only is it frowned upon by
locals it is also illegal and can result in a fine! |
- we have very liberal drinking laws in the islands. You may
walk around the streets with a cocktail, you may enter a bar
or restaurant with a cocktail (as long as you have the courtesy
to buy your next one there), you may even get in your car
and drive with a cocktail in hand. Here's the catch - you
can drink and drive but you cannot drive drunk. You would
be surprised how very few drunk driving accidents occur here.
Drinking age is 18. The Virgin Islands is also a place where
you can drink outside & smoke inside. A bottle of rum
at KMart is around $3 and a carton of cigarettes is around
$12. |
Do not expect
anything to happen in a hurry around here. The more
anxious, obnoxious, or in a hurry you appear the less likely
you will get service. Not only did God send you here to soak
up the sun and relax She (or He) sent you here to teach you
patience. Oh and "fast food" - well, isn't. |
sun screen! It is painful for locals to watch very
white people become very red people. |
Do not ask a
local if they live here. If someone is working here
(as a bartender, clerk, taxi driver , etc.) then we guarantee
you that they do not commute from Atlanta every day... yes
they live here! - It is acceptable to ask "How long have
you lived here? or "Do you live here year round?"
(some people do work here seasonally). |
Do not ask,
"Do these islands float?", "Are these islands
here year round?", "Does the water go all the way
around the island?" " Can you swim underneath the
islands?" "Why are all the boats in the harbor pointed
in the same direction?" "Is there a bus to take
you to Puerto Rico?" Enough said about that. |
Do ask
the locals, "Where is a good place to eat?" "What's
your favorite snorkel spot?" "Where's the best place
to by cameras, liquor, jewelry etc.?" We love it here
and will happily share our favorite places. |
kick back, enjoy, relax - no worries, no hurries. |